
Monday, September 6, 2010

New work in progress, September 2010

Well it's the first week back at the grind and I'm already up to my elbows in clay.  I've taken some pictures of what I've been working on lately(new work), as well as a picture of an update on a piece in its drying stage, that I've been working on since the middle of the summer.  The mechanical form, with the gear/grate,  is just a part of the overall piece that I'm currently working on.  I'm exploring size and repetitive form to create a larger sculptural form.  I plan on making 15 of these forms to start with;  alterations on the grate area, by adding some symbolism on certain forms.  I hope to instill a sense of something known subconsciously by form with that of a past or future civilization.  I guess we'll see how it works once all the pieces are put together...I'm also starting to think about the surface treatment at this time and researching works in the same genre within the ceramic field.  Hopefully my visual idea will be as successful as it is in my mind...I guess we'll see after spending some major hours in the studio over the next couple of weeks to see this idea come to light...I'll keep posting updates as the work progresses.

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